10 essential oils and their benefits


Essential oils are the cure-all for just about anything and adaptable to any and all situations. They’re kind of like healing crystals in that way. There’s a specific essential oil for any situation, mood, ailment, or intention.

Essential oils, are well, essential! Here are 12 essential oils and their benefits that are absolute musts to have in your arsenal to combat anything that comes your way.


  1. Peppermint: What’s not to love about peppermint? It’s soothing, relieves headaches, and is a go-to aroma for alleviating stress. Peppermint is antimicrobial and anti-fungal, treats nausea, And can numb pain on the skin, which is why it’s the main ingredient in IcyHot and other analgesics. Treat yourself to some peppermint lip balm and feel invigorated all day.
  2. Lavender: Oh, lavender. *loving sigh here* Lavender is a total powerhouse. Use it to treat anxiety, inflammation, and even as a cleaning agent. Make your own lavender pillow spray by mixing some lavender essential oil with water. Spray as many times as you desire and take advantage of it’s natural sedative properties for some well-deserved beauty sleep.
  3. Tea Tree: Many have an aversion to tea tree oil because of its pungent aroma, but it’s honestly everything you need. Tea trees only grow in Australia, and native Australians have been using tea tree oil to heal everything from the common cold to sore throats. It’s highly antiviral and antibacterial. Add a few drops to your store-bought mouthwash for the ultimate clean mouth feeling.
  4. Frankincense: Frankincense has been used for its grounding qualities since biblical times. Its balsamic undertones make it great as a massage oil, for room mists, and for diffusions. Roll frankincense essential oil on your wrists to add an uplifting vibe to your next meditation session.
  5. Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus has long been lauded for its clarifying properties and foresty, medicinal aroma. Taken from the eucalyptus tree, this essential oil is the main ingredient in analgesics such Tiger Balm. Use eucalyptus to clear your airways or add to a cool towel for a refreshing treat after a sweaty workout.
  6. Rosemary: Rosemary is not just for your Sunday pot roast or roast chicken. It is a natural stimulant that when inhaled can increase your heart rate, respiratory rate, and boost your immune system! Combine rosemary with eucalyptus for a de-stressing room mist.
  7. Lemon: You can find lemon essential oil just about anywhere from antibacterial hand soap to sparkling water. Lemon is loved for its bright, clean, and zesty aroma. Take advantage of lemon oil’s astringent properties and incorporate it into your daily skincare routine.
  8. Sweet Orange: Just smelling sweet orange essential oil can curb cravings for sweets which is great if you’re trying your best to nix sugar from your diet. Sweet orange oil is a great way to reduce anxiety and is one of the more inexpensive essential oils on the market. A total win-win!
  9. Lemongrass: Lemongrass is a cleansing and purifying essential oil. It has a similar aroma to lemon but with more earthy undertones. Lemongrass is best for body cleansers, creams, and scrubs. Treat yourself to a DIY spa day with a homemade lemongrass body scrub.
  10. Patchouli: Patchouli essential oils are relaxing and grounding with floral undertones. Use patchouli oil to treat dry skin or dermatitis, relieve depression, or prevent oily hair and dandruff.


While these essential oils are great for topical use, it’s important to nourish your body from the inside out!

Nurture your body with nutrients that are essential for living well with our Organic Super Greens + Digestion in Lemon/Mint supplement.