Beyond the Bath: 5 Popular Uses for Castile Soap

Praying for a chemical-free, all-natural soap? We’ll let you in on a secret: Castile is the #1 plant-based soap on the market. But did you know that you can take Castile soap beyond the bath too?

Yes, you read that right. Astonishingly, Castile can be used to wash your dishes, clothes, and more. Want to learn more? Here are five popular uses for castile soap!

  1. Natural Dish Soap

News flash: Castile is the ultimate natural dish soap. With Castile soap, you’ll never have to worry about getting chemicals on your dishes again. To make the switch, wait until your regular dish soap runs out and toss it in the trash.

Then, replace your standard soap with a cleaner, Castile version. Don’t be afraid to cut your Castile with water for a thinner, more liquidy soap. Who knows? You might even enjoy dishwashing this time!

  1. Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent

Want to know the best part about Castile soap? It can actually double as non-toxic laundry detergent. It gets better: washing your clothes with this special soap can even lengthen the lifespan of your clothes. That’s because they won’t be anywhere near toxic chemicals.

Have sensitive skin? Forget about store-bought laundry detergents with perfumes and dyes. To make it yourself, combine a few drops of essential oil with a cup of baking soda and several cups of washing soda. Add one grated bar of Castile soap. Put it in an airtight storage container and you’re good to go!

  1. 100% Pure Dishwasher Soap

Sick of washing dishes by hand? If you’re lucky enough to have a dishwasher, try using Castile as 100% pure dishwasher soap. To get in on the trend, mix several ounces of liquid Castile soap with one cup of water. Then, add a few teaspoons of lemon juice and several drops of essential oil.

Shake it up and put one tablespoon of your DIY soap into the dishwasher’s “open” compartment. Next, place one cup of vinegar into the dishwasher’s “closed” compartment. All done!

  1. Fresh All-Purpose Cleaner

On the hunt for a fresh all-purpose cleaner? Meet Castile soap. Once you’ve got your soap handy, use a spray bottle and fill it up with white vinegar, water, and liquid Castile. The rest is simple: add a couple of drops of lemon or orange essential oil.

Not only is this a completely natural concoction, but it’s also a super safe household cleaner. That means no more headaches from cleaning with toxic chemicals in small spaces! 

  1. Organic Glass Cleaner

Ever tried an organic glass cleaner? If not, then you’re in for a real treat. Start by raiding your house for the following ingredients:

  • White vinegar
  • Castile soap
  • Distilled water
  • Spray bottle
  • Essential oils

Have everything you need yet? When you’re ready, combine your ingredients in a spray bottle and shake it. Once you spray it, you’ll see how easy it is to clean chemical-free!

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