5 Keys to Reducing Visceral (abdominal) Fat

If you’re looking to get rid of visceral (midsection) fat, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will briefly explain the methods of promoting fat loss in your abdominal area.


However, before we go any further, it's important to understand that midsection fat is a serious matter, that can be extremely dangerous to your health. Visceral fat, which is the type of fat that is predominant around your abdominal region, dramatically increases your risk for several health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It literally pumps inflammatory substances into your body every single day, which is never a good thing for your body.


However, the good news is that visceral fat is one of the easiest types of fat to lose. No, this doesn't mean that simply quitting soda will do the trick (although it certainly helps), but it does mean that with some time and consistent effort, you can finally get rid of this bothersome and dangerous fat.


Let’s take a look at how to finally get rid of that stubborn belly, according to scientific findings.


Eat more fiber.


Fiber is an unofficial superfood that aids in promoting overall good health, including fat loss. According to several studies, nearly 95 percent of people in the U.S. don’t eat the Institute of Medicine’s recommended daily intake (which is a mere 25-38 grams, by the way. While it is definitely healthy to reduce your carb intake (especially refined carbs), don’t make this lead to reducing the amount of fiber you eat. A simple rule to follow is to eat a handful of vegetables with every single meal.


Spike up your metabolism.


The faster your metabolism is, the more efficient your body is at burning fat. While metabolism is predetermined by sex, age, and body size, it can be improved with a bit of effort. To do this takes a combination of increasing your muscle mass (by lifting weights), managing stress well, eating enough and often, and getting ample and quality sleep.


Get your diet in check.


This should be obvious, but you have to get your diet in check if you want to see any real change in your body. Without overcomplicating things, a general rule of thumb is this: consume more protein, fiber, complex carbs, healthy fats, and water, and less trans fats, refined carbs, processed foods, sugars, and alcohol.


If you find that you struggle with eating your fill of healthy vegetables and fruit, we recommend supplementing your diet with our Super Greens. This vegan supplement contains a long list of healthy organic ingredients that help improve digestion, boost energy levels, support mental health, boost your immune system, and much more.


Reduce your stress levels.


Having a healthy stress management system in place will reduce your cortisol levels, which has a direct impact on the amount of visceral fat your body stores. Some great ways of managing stress are meditation, yoga, going for a walk, praying, working out, slow breathing, or any other fun activity.


Get more sleep.


Lack of quality sleep is the silent culprit in today’s society that is responsible for many health problems, such as depression, high blood pressure, slow metabolism, fat gain, and more. The truth is, the whole “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” mentality is extremely bad for you (and makes no sense). A healthy practice is to get anywhere between 7 to 10 hours of sleep. The amount of sleep you need is individualistic, so start with aiming for 7 hours and work your way up until you feel you’ve reached a healthy amount of sleep per night.