How to Make 2020 the Year You Get in Shape


Let’s be honest––we all want to look and feel good when we look in the mirror. However, it’s hard to feel that way if we are not in the shape we want to be in. The thing is, most of us can actually do with losing a few––or many––pounds. This is exactly why millions upon millions of people include “getting fit and being healthier” on their list of New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe you have it on your resolutions list for 2020.  Has it been taking shape?


But when you don’t know how to go about losing weight and getting in shape, it can be quite the task to accomplish. In fact, so many people give up on their New Year’s Resolution of losing weight before they ever see progress.


It's not too late for 2020!  So how can you make sure that this time's for real? How can you ensure that 2020 is the year you finally get in shape? By equipping yourself with knowledge, of course, which we’re here to help with. Let’s review several ways to make 2020 the year you (finally) get in shape.


Develop a foolproof plan.


If you don’t start with a plan, you’re just shooting in the dark and hoping something happens. After all, a goal without a plan or action is only a dream. To start, set a deadline for when you will achieve your fitness goal (such as December 31st), and be specific. What will you achieve by this date? Next, develop a plan for what you’ll do each day, week, and month up until that date.


Start with “why”.


The “why” is the reason why you’re aiming for this goal in the first place. Before you start going to the gym or doing anything really, take some time to think about why you’re doing this. By having a strong “why” in mind, you’ll find the motivation to keep going even when you don’t feel like working out or eating healthy.


Count your wins.


Sometimes, we’re simply too hard on ourselves for no reason. You might be aiming to lose two pounds this week, but instead, you only lost 1.5 pounds. Do you beat yourself up, or do you allow yourself to feel good about it? The thing is, many people would beat themselves up. But when you do this, you lower your morale about getting in shape in general, which may lead to you giving up before you achieve your goal. So going forward, try being nicer to yourself.


Eat healthily and supplement.


When it comes to getting in shape, eating healthy is 80 percent of the battle. Because of this, it should be the top priority on your list. As a general rule, aim to eat balanced meals consisting of healthy fats, lots of vegetables and fruit, and moderate amounts of proteins. To further aid in your health and energy levels, taking a supplement can be a great idea. Nutrii’s Organic Super Greens provides a day’s worth of many vitamins and minerals while increasing your energy and improving your digestive function.