Pandemic Self-Care Without Putting Your Health at Risk

Humans are social creatures. We thrive when we feel connected to our loved ones, communities, and the world around us. Unfortunately, connecting with others has become too risky in the pandemic, but this doesn’t have to mean leaving our mental and physical well-being behind. It just means we need to get creative with how we take care of ourselves and stay connected to the people who matter most. These tips can help.


Staying Fit at Home


Since you may be missing your favorite yoga studio or gym, let’s start with safe fitness. If you’re a yogi, you can take classes online right now and practice along with other yogis from the safety and comfort of your home. If you use props in your yoga practice, you can pick up some of your own, or use everyday objects like books, belts, and pillows as props.


There are, of course, other modes of exercise that you can do in the safety of home or indoors, such as balance and body-weight exercises to keep your muscles strong.


Attending to Your Oral Health


In difficult times like these, it’s easy to take your oral health for granted, but proper dental care can shield you from cardiovascular disease, respiratory infections, arthritis, and many other serious health issues. Make sure you’re brushing at least twice a day and floss every day as well. Also commit to visiting your dentist twice a year for cleanings and checkups.


If misaligned teeth are making brushing and flossing more difficult, you may want to take steps to rectify this problem (and improve your smile). You can help straighten your teeth with an in-home aligner that doesn’t require seeing a dentist. An aligner like byte works faster and is more affordable than in-office aligners, and they offer nighttime-only treatment so you won’t be required to wear your aligners all day long. Keep in mind that if you have a more severe misalignment issue, you may need to visit your dentist for treatment. 


Accessing Healthy Food


You need to eat well to stay healthy during the pandemic. If you’re in a high-risk group, which includes seniors and those with chronic conditions, shopping earlier in the morning to beat the regular crowds is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of infection. If you want to fully protect your health, however, it may be best to avoid shopping in-person at all. Most retailers also offer free pickup and low-cost delivery options during these uncertain times. You may need to plan ahead to snag a spot or schedule a delivery, but the peace of mind is worth it.


Managing Mental Health


These are unprecedented times we are living through, which is why public health experts urge people to pay special attention to their mental health — even as they take precautions to protect themselves and their communities from infection. Self-care and self-compassion are two of the things you need to take better care of your mental health.


Know that any emotions you are feeling right now are completely okay and normal. It’s important to process these feelings and to have realistic expectations of yourself. Maintaining your regular routines also helps. This includes keeping up with your yoga practice at home. Decluttering and cleaning up can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.


Getting Out for Fresh Air


You should avoid crowds as the pandemic continues, but this doesn’t have to mean avoiding all public spaces. In fact, spending time walking or simply enjoying the fresh air at your favorite local parks should be perfectly fine as long you keep public safety guidelines in mind. In fact, experts agree that exercising outdoors is fairly safe if you are able to do so while staying away from other people. If other people are around, be sure to maintain at least six feet of space.


Keeping yourself protected from COVID-19 and helping to reduce the spread in your community should be a priority right now, but your physical and mental wellness are also paramount. So look for safe ways to achieve these. And above all, remember to practice compassion and kindness, with others and yourself.


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